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Year 5

Welcome to Morpurgo Class

Mrs J Jobbings
Class 5 Teacher
Mrs R Gordon
Class 4 Teacher
Class 5 Teacher

Welcome to Upper Key Stage 2!

As the children have now entered the Upper Phase, we aim to prepare them for their final stage of learning in primary school. Here at Lyminster Primary School we believe that the Year 5 children should be given the opportunity to grow in confidence as young people both academically and personally. Each term we ensure that the children have opportunities to link their learning from previous year groups and apply their knowledge and skills to new curriculum opportunities and situations. Our school values underpin our ethos, and we continue to focus on the children developing their independence for learning and reflecting on themselves as learners in preparation for year six and beyond.

About Year 5

The class country that we study this year is Greece. We will dip into facts and features of this country as well as study the Geography of it, alongside reading some famous Greek myths and legends when we carry out our country topic in the spring. 
Michael Morpurgo is our class author. We have a large selection of his fantastic books in our class library and will be encouraging all of the children to delve into his words and imagery. We will also be reading some of his classics – War Horse and Kensuke’s Kingdom – as a whole class, enabling us to look in more depth at Morpurgo’s incredible storytelling.


In class we use White Rose Maths as a basis for our learning, with focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving. There is also a specific section on the White Rose Maths website with step-by-step videos for home learning. Confidence using the four operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using standard methods – is key for the children to become successful mathematicians.

Continue to use TTRockstars to practise multiplication tables and use the White Rose homework books to complete homework tasks.

In Year 5 we follow the White Rose scheme but do adapt it and utilise other platforms and resources to supplement and enhance it. We may not always follow the order they stipulate that the different Math’s topics should be taught in but what we are focussing on will always be on our half termly topic web. Children are encouraged to become independent learners using concrete resources as they need them and self check their own work, realising mistakes and rectifying with support. Learners work as a whole class, in groups, pairs and alone on various tasks. There is always support and challenge where needed. The children enjoy using a colour card system to let their teachers know how they are doing with the current learning. This supports the teachers with assessing and directing support and challenge where needed.

Mental Health & Wellbeing.

Good mental health and wellbeing is essential for all school pupils. It helps them to learn effectively, cope with day-to-day challenges, and develop into resilient young adults. There are a number of things that we, at school, do to support the mental health and wellbeing of the children. We aim to create a safe and supportive environment where students feel comfortable discussing their mental health and understand how to support their wellbeing. Please come and speak to the adults in school if this is something that you would like to discuss, regarding your child and we will endeavour to support you in any way that we can. There are also a range of websites that can provide support to you, as parents and carers, in order to help your child.

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

Child mental health: recognising and responding to issues | NSPCC Learning




In Year 5 the children will be focusing on their sentence structure, including using more complex punctuation and understanding grammatical terminology. Please go to the BBC Bitesize website to work with your child to embed the grammar and practice using it. 

Reading is the MOST important thing you can do with your child. We read every day in class- during Whole Class Reading lessons, quiet reading sessions and listening to a book read aloud by the teacher every day. Children will be exposed to a wide range of texts, both fiction and non-fiction. Children should have 2 books- one that is their level- sometimes a colour banded book and another book of their choice. However, reading is to be celebrated, whatever a child reads, be it a comic, a web-site, a graphic novel, a magazine or recipes etc. It is ALL reading!


The children love Free Writing and Pobble 365 has a new writing stimulus every day! There are sentence starters and prompts with each sentence and your children already use these in the classroom. Please encourage them to practice their handwriting skills whenever they are writing – the Letter Join website is available to support handwriting practice. 


Please encourage your child to practice their handwriting skills whenever they are writing – the Letter-join website is available to support handwriting practice. The username is ak3814 and the password is home.


Your child will also need to be confident with the Year 3 and 4 spellings, so we will start the year revising these. We will then move on to the Year 5 and 6 spellings, ensuring that they not only know how to spell them but how to use them correctly too. The spellings are under ‘Quick Links’ above – if you practice them on the way to and from school, you’ll be amazed how quickly your child will know them all!


The most valuable thing your child can do is read! This year, the expectation is that your child reads AT LEAST 5 times a week and for this to be recorded in their reading records. This can be reading together, reading with their siblings or with another person or reading on their own. Please allow your child to read whatever they are interested in and talk about what they read, ask your child questions about what they are reading to ensure that they understand the text.
