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Lyminster Primary School

Find Your Roar!

Welcome to our School

Growing, Caring & Learning Together

Hello and welcome to Lyminster Primary School. We are a small but ambitious school, and we aim to nurture and develop our young people into active and engaged citizens of the world who live up to our Core Values: 

Confidence  Be Proud of your Individuality! 

Community  Be Respectful & Kind! 

Love of Learning  Be an Inspiration!

If you are thinking of joining our community in any capacity we hope you find this website helpful. We are immensely proud of our children, their learning and their achievements, so please do enjoy sharing the celebration. You will find lots of information about the school in the ‘About Us‘ section, and check out ‘School Life’ for a flavour of what we and our partner organisations get up to. Don’t forget to also follow us on Twitter for more updates, links, tips and fabulous examples of our children’s work. Links to our Twitter feeds are below.

If you are an existing parent, check out the class pages above to see what your child has been getting up to, or head straight to the ‘Parents’ Hub‘ to check the calendar, catch up on our recent letters, and find loads of helpful links and resources to help you support your child.

Happy Learning!

Steve McGinley

Find out what is happening in our school

Upcoming Events

Nothing from 25 July 2024 to 25 August 2024.

What our children think...

I love Art, especially painting rivers - which we are doing at the minute. I also really enjoyed painting our self-portraits. They were about expressing ourselves, which is why I love Art.
Year 5
I really enjoy Guided Reading because we get a lot of challenges and it helps us because it makes it more interesting and helps us to learn quicker.
Year 5
I really enjoy English because even though there are expectations you can still use your imagination freely. The reason I gave English a 5 star rating is because I love writing.
Year 5
Lyminster Primary School

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