School Life
Our Governing Body consists of 11 members and operates with a committee structure. The core functions of our governing body, as set out in The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013, are:
- ensuring that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined;
- ensuring that the head teacher performs his or her responsibilities for the educational performance of the school; and
- ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.
The day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and staff, whereas the governors are responsible for the general direction of the school and providing a strategic overview.
The Governing Body acts as a critical friend to the school and ensures accountability, whilst considering the interests of children, parents and staff. It makes decisions about curriculum, finance, staffing and premises matters, to help raise standards of achievement and to make sure that the school provides a good quality education for all of our pupils.
Our Governors work closely with the Headteacher, the Senior Leadership Team and Staff to ensure that every child gets the best possible education.
The Chair of the Governing Body is Mr G. Williams. He can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governing Body at
School Council
Rights Respecting Ambassadors
Democratically we choose the school council through pupil voice. In September the pupils in each class are given the opportunity to vote for two ambassadors to represent their class within Lyminster Primary School. We are extremely proud to be a part of the ‘United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’ where we have currently achieved the silver award. We are now striving for the Gold award
We are extremely proud to have been chosen to be ambassadors for our class and school. Each week we meet and discuss the rights we have as children, which is taken from ‘United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’.
We meet and share ideas to raise funds for charity, as well as discuss how to promote the key values within our school.
Recently we have completed questionnaires about how we feel our rights are respected and adhered to in school. Staff and Governors have also been given similar questionnaires so that we can find out about adults understanding of these rights within the whole school community.
Our next step is to ensure that we fully understand all of our rights and that we share these rights with our fellow pupils, ensuring that we are all aware of the impact of our actions within the wider world that we live in. We also feel it is important to provide the opportunities in school for children, staff and Governors to have a good sense of wellbeing including mental health.
Growth Mindset is a key focus of our school and this ethos has grown organically within our own classrooms. We have the attitude of ‘always trying our very best’ and knowing if we find the work challenging we will persevere, not give up and we will aspire to achieve our very best.
The Parents Association of Lyminster School (PALS), is an invaluable group of parents dedicated to raising funds for the School. The bulk of their fundraising is used directly to support all the children and parents by subsidising the cost of trips out of school as well as funding some exciting activities provided by external groups in school. If your child is at Lyminster they will have benefited directly from the fundraising undertaken by these parents without even knowing it!
We raise money in a number of ways, mainly with a May or Summer Fayre and then a Winter Fayre complete with Father Christmas and Grotto. We also hold raffles, quiz nights and bar-b-ques.
We always need new ideas and new faces to help at home and at school, whether it’s wrapping, making decorations, delivering letters, baking cakes, cutting/sticking/painting objects for new games, and of course running stalls and games on Fayre Day.
Everyone has something they can offer which can help us achieve our goals, and we always welcome any support you can give.
If you are interested in finding out more, or helping out with our fund-raising, please visit our Facebook page or contact the school office on 01903 713642 or email,
Alternatively come and visit the other PALS members at one of our coffee mornings or meetings.
Upcoming Events

Thank you to all our families for donating so generously at all our fundraising events. The charities identified below received the sums listed from Lyminster Primary School.








TOTAL (so far)





















