Advice & Support
On this page are links to information for parents offering help, advice and support. Please remember that we are here to help.
If you or your child are experiencing difficulties, the school can offer help and support in a number of ways. Please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher, the Headteacher, Deputy or any other member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Local Assistance Network
The Local Assistance Network provide short-term, practical aid, such as food or furniture, to people in a crisis. It is run by West Sussex County Council together with other organisations. The LAN helps people who have no other way of getting assistance. It is open to those who:
- are on benefits or a low income
- are facing an unforeseen emergency that puts them or their family at risk
- need help moving into or remaining in the community
- live in West Sussex or are being resettled here.
Family Information Service
Discover… the Family Information Service!
Did you know that the Family Information Service maintains an online directory of support services and family activities that take place across West Sussex? This directory provides free, impartial and up-to-date information for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 years.
Services currently featuring in the Directory include:
- Parent and toddler groups
- Toy libraries and sensory toy libraries
- Leisure activities
- Finding local Children and Family Centres
- Local FindItOut Centres for 13-25 years olds
- Local and national support groups
- Counselling services
- Parenting classes and much more…
When children first start exploring the Internet, most parents are concerned about “stranger danger” — the chance children will meet a dangerous adult. While parents do have to be aware of online strangers, and teach children how to avoid them, keeping children safe online is a lot more than watching out for strangers.
Teaching Internet safety includes reminding your children not to give out private information online and to behave responsibly and respectfully toward others. Being responsible about online life also means limiting the amount of time children spend online and teaching them to balance online activities with other activities. Start by visiting the sites your children enjoy. Ask them to show you what they like and why.
Where to get Advice
Here you will find contact details for several agencies, both local and national, that you can contact for support and advice.
Family Support
Safeguarding Children Partnership
Here you will find links to information, advice, guidance and support on some of the safeguarding challenges facing children, young people and their parents today.
Family Support Work
Tel: 01273 832963
Children & Family Court Advisory & Support Service
Parenting and child arrangements after divorce or separation.
Mental Health
Support for emotional health and wellbeing for young people. This is where you can also make a referral to the SPOA (Single point of access) for children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing support.
Young Minds
For young people and parents.
Happy Maps
If you are worried about your child’s behaviour or mental health a bank of resources.
Beacon House
Therapeutic approach for trauma in children.
Anxiety UK
For children and parents.
Debt/Financial Support
Rent Arrears in Arun
Tel: 01903 737850
CAP (Christians Against Poverty)
Tel: 0800 328 0006
Citizens Advice
Tel: 0808 278 7969
Citizens Energy Advice Service
Tel: 01243 974063
Step Change
For financial support from the household support fund, West Sussex Community. Tel: 0800 138 1111
Little Bundles
Aid to those in the local area unable to buy the essentials for their young children.
Littlehampton & District Foodbank
Tel: 07925 862289
Carers Support
Tel: 0300 028 8888
Carers UK
Tel: 0808 808 7777
Sleep Issues
Practical Advice on Sleep Problems
This is the most recent (November 2020) Royal College of Psychiatrists
Physical Health
Arun Wellbeing
Support with healthy eating, losing weight and giving up smoking. Tel: 01903 737862
Healthy Steps
A programme for families looking for tips on eating more healthily and moving more. Families can sign up for the 8-week programme. Which involves tips on cooking and recipe cards, after a short survey they suggest ways to help your family eat better and move more.
Housing Issues
Tel: 01243 537934
Turning Tides
Support with healthy eating, losing weight and giving up smoking. Tel: 01903 737862
Special Educational Needs
Reaching Families
Local support for parents and families with SEN.
This is an independent service which can support parents with any issues related to SEND in schools.
Aspens offers services for children and young people with a range of disabilities, those on the autism spectrum, and/or those with complex needs aged 8-25.
Claiming Benefits
Universal Credit
Tel: 0800 328 5644
Domestic Abuse
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Tel: 0808 2000 247
My Sister's House
Tel: 01243 697800
Community Support
Creative Heart Community Café
Community hub and café. 42 Beach Road BN17 5HT
If you or your child are experiencing difficulties, the school can offer help and support many ways. Please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher, the Headteacher, Deputy, member of the Senior Leadership Team or our learning mentor and family liaison officer.