PE & Sport
PE is extremely important here at Lyminster. This year we are looking forward to attending lots of sporting events organised by the LASP partnership. Mr Jones, from TLA, has put together a timetable of events throughout the year giving the children many opportunities to participate with physical activities. Being part of the local community is extremely important to us here at Lyminster and we enjoy the more competitive element of the events!
We have Mr Amoza as our sport leader and have a fantastic range of games taking place at lunchtimes to interest all of the children. We also have a number of extra-curricular clubs on offer here at Lyminster. Some run by staff which are free to attend and others available from partnerships with local providers. Currently there are opportunities for Netball, Football, Gymnastics and Karate.
Sport Leaders
Year 6 were extremely lucky and had a visit from Mr Jones during the Autumn term, who very kindly did some sports leader training with them. The children absolutely loved learning new games and understanding how they could be adapted for groups of children – of a similar age or younger. The children are now putting their training into practice to support the younger pupils at break times.
What is this curriculum trying to achieve? How does this link to our whole school aims?
The rights and dignity of our children are at the heart of everything we do, every decision we and they make and every driver for making progress and helping our children to develop as responsible, valued global citizens who want to make a positive contribution to their and our world. At Lyminster Primary School it is our intent that we help children to develop resilience, perseverance, autonomy and focus. Our children learn that they are valued and valuable, they are independent people in their own right and they have the power to do wonderful, amazing things at every stage of every day.
Every one of our children is a unique individual with their own strengths, aptitudes, interests and dreams. As a school community we will endeavour to support each child to make the most of every opportunity we offer. We provide enriching experiences to engage learners and in designing and developing our curriculum we have taken into consideration
• how children learn and remember; progress means knowing more and remembering more
• what our children need to succeed in life; cultural capital they need to make aspirational choices and succeed beyond their time at Lyminster Primary School.
The key drivers for our PE curriculum are:
Ambition and aspiration
Resilience and courage
Autonomy and independence
Perseverance and solution finding
The PE delivery at Lyminster Primary aims to deliver engaging and effective opportunities for children to develop not just their sporting skills and talents but their social skills, teamwork, leadership, confidence and their physical and emotional health. We believe in a no child left out policy of competition where children will engage in several in-school competitions each year and not rely on being picked as one of the lucky few. We will offer a range of sports and games not just in the directed curriculum time but across after school provision as well to ensure that there as many opportunities for children to engage in sport as possible.
How is the curriculum actually implemented – how do we ensure progression, retention, and what does teaching and learning in this subject actually ‘look’ like?
In ensuring high quality PE lessons, delivered by teachers and outside coaches where appropriate, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the year groups. PE at Lyminster Primary provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including; invasion games, net & wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and outdoor & adventure. The long-term plan sets out the PE units which are to be taught throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met. Pupils participate in two high quality PE lessons each week. In addition, children are encouraged to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities. Lunch time sports are available each day with a coach and children can attend before and after school sport clubs throughout the week.
The school also takes part in external competitions with other schools across a wide range of sports.
Each year Sports Leaders are selected; these are year 6 pupils who develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting with lunch-time play, our annual Sports day and any other Sporting activities. Children participate in workshops covering a variety of sports throughout the year again providing the children with an opportunity to develop, improve their fitness and to try something new.
Children take part in weekly swimming lessons which are currently aimed at Y3 and Y4 to ensure as many children meet the expected swimming targets as possible. We have invested heavily in active play equipment for lunchtimes break times and provision before and after school, to help meet the government target of all children being active for at least 30 minutes a day in school.
How is this curriculum adapted to meet the needs of different children and groups of children, particularly those with SEND?
Teachers adapt each lesson using their knowledge of the children and their ongoing observation and assessment during the lesson. This means that adaptations can be dynamic and ‘in the moment’. Tasks can be adapted through adjusting eg time limits, space, or equipment. Every child should access the exercises, have to work hard, and achieve.
ISP and EHCP targets, where appropriate, are integrated into the lesson, eg around working with others or gross motor skills. In addition, our external sports coach works with SEND children separately to improve their motor control so they can continue to be successful in PE and across the curriculum. We also engage in community Inclusion events – Sports Without Barriers – in partnership with other local schools. This sports partnership also allows us to nurture talent, through putting children forward for competitive events.
How is progress against, and retention of, this curriculum assessed? How are any gaps in learning then addressed?
Teachers observe the pupils during their exercises, and key exercises for assessment are identified in planning. The children are also encouraged to self- and peer-assess performance. Teachers, peers or Sports Leaders can then intervene to support or extend in the moment, or at the next opportunity. This should be a dynamic and ongoing process. Lesson plans may also be adapted depending on performance in the lesson, for example extra extension, or breaking steps of a skill down more, for individuals, groups, or classes.