At Lyminster Primary School, we believe that all children can achieve and master mathematics, and that every child can acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. Skills are broken down into small steps, and are delivered through ‘teaching for mastery’. This involves supporting all learners with securing new learning, before providing a range of opportunities for them to apply and deepen their understanding. In line with the National Curriculum, our main aims are for children to be fluent, to reason and to problem solve. Please see the National Curriculum in England: Mathematics Programmes of Study for a detailed outline of what is taught in every year group. At Lyminster, we spend time at the start of each year making sure that foundations in number and place value are secure. Children who have a good grasp of number will feel much more confident when learning about other areas of maths.
As a (UNCRC) Rights Respecting school, we believe that all children have a right to education which develops their abilities as much as possible. We strive to set work that is challenging and motivating, along with tasks that encourage children to talk about what they have learnt. Throughout the school, our children have opportunities to learn new skills using a range of mathematical equipment and aids to support them with visualising the how and why behind their learning. Providing time for children to use concrete resources and visual representations brings concepts to life and can support pupils with their learning. Once new learning is fluent, we deepen our children’s understanding using problem-solving and reasoning tasks. In these activities, children are encouraged to explain, justify and generalise; represent ideas in a variety of ways; see connections between concepts; work systematically and solve problems of greater complexity with creativity and imagination. There are opportunities for children to take part in individual, paired, group and whole class activities during maths lessons, and for them to apply their skills within real-life contexts through wider curriculum subjects.
At Lyminster Primary School, we provide opportunities for children to develop their fluency in mental maths across the school, and recognise that both arithmetic (number facts) and mental calculation are vital. We develop ‘Mental Magicians’ from Year 2 as a way of encouraging and motivating children to learn the important number bonds and times tables facts. In addition, children are provided with opportunities to learn a range of mental and written calculation strategies and are encouraged to decide and justify which method is most appropriate for the task at hand. Please see our Calculation Policy for further information.
White Rose Maths
Lyminster Primary School follows the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. The planning of each aspect of the maths curriculum ensures that mathematics lessons continuously build on and consolidate knowledge as the children move through the school. White Rose Maths is based on a mastery approach which provides opportunities for all pupils to understand key learning, explore various methods of calculation and challenges children with reasoning and problem solving. The concrete-pictorial-abstract approach is used to embed mathematical knowledge and all pupils are encouraged to use resources and drawings to explore maths, making links to the real world wherever this is possible. Maths lessons promote discussion and exploration with a strong emphasis on mathematical vocabulary and reasoning. Questioning is key and crucial for children to develop fluency and to understand each topic at a mastery level. With carefully structured questioning and varied, frequent practice, the children at Lyminster develop fluency and build mathematical confidence. This is supported and scaffolded by the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach (CPA).
Mindbend Mondays
Alongside White Rose Maths, ‘Mindbend Mondays‘ have been introduced; an opportunity for the children to have devoted time for practicing and improving their reasoning and problem-solving skills. Alongside the scheme, teachers will provide opportunities for children to tackle challenging problems, giving them time to think about and discuss these and then find the best suited method to solve a problem. Mathematical discussion is crucial to pupils understanding concepts, especially those that are more abstract. Mindbend Mondays provide a time for children to discuss their ideas and theories and see if they are correct.
Times Table Rock Stars
Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) has been used across the school in order to teach and embed times table knowledge. The children enjoy playing and battling online, gaining coins to improve their own avatar. TTRS has proven to have a positive impact on the recall of all multiplication tables; supporting the children and preparing them for the multiplication table check (statutory testing in Year 4). Children are encouraged to play regularly at home, as part of their weekly homework, and have their own individual log ins. TTRS is used alongside the children’s own times table focus, which is tested weekly in order for children to earn their Mental Mathmagicians bands. Please see supporting information regarding Mental Mathmagicians.