Art & Design Technology
Art & Design
At Lyminster Primary School we believe our art, craft and design curriculum will engage, inspire and challenge all pupils. Through interesting and varied projects, we aim to develop in them the skills and knowledge needed to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. Children are introduced to a range of techniques and materials to extend their creative potential, exploring their own styles and ideas. As pupils progress through our school, they will become more analytical about their own artwork and that of others. The aim is for all children to appreciate the role that art has played throughout history and within all cultures.
Lyminster Art Gallery
At Lyminster we have our very own art gallery where the children’s own work is displayed and celebrated. These pieces are mainly created by children in their own time and can be anything! Our gallery shows the children that everyone can be an artist, art is varied but very personal. Art can inspire others in many different ways, can invoke emotions and provoke discussions.
We want our pupils at Lyminster to talk about art, to feel confident to experiment and have a go – that there is not a ‘right’ way to draw, paint and create. That there are skills we can learn and practise to help us create art but ultimately, we want our pupils to experience enjoyment and pride in their own works and be able to talk about them with enthusiasm and knowledge.
The beginnings of our gallery… to be expanded very soon.
Some of our art-based projects:
Year 6 Artwork based on Fossils & Ammonites
A cross curricular project that links with their Science topic of Evolution. After their own sketching and analysing the art of others, the children are encouraged to create their final piece in their own style and chosen medium.
Remembrance Day 2023
We are lucky to be involved in an exciting exhibition at Littlehampton Museum which brings the worlds of Science and Art together called ‘Plastics’. All the plastic bottle Remembrance Poppies our children created last year are taking centre stage in the gallery as it opened on Remembrance day. Even the new reception children made some which have been added to the display – it’s a whole school collaborative piece of art! Our wonderful poppy art, as organised by Mrs Washington, will be on display until February.
Arts Week 2023
Mrs Washington put together a wonderful exhibition with the curator at Littlehampton Museum where some of our wonderful art work produced by EYFS and KS1 during Arts Week was displayed. They created postcards of Littlehampton as well as collages and bunting inspired by the sea. Gifted & Talented artists in KS2 also had their detailed observational drawings and paintings of seashells on display.
Remembrance Day 2022
In a collaboration with Creative Heart in Littlehampton, our children made poppies out of plastic bottles. These were placed into an art installation that all could see.
Christmas 2022
Our Gifted and Talented artists and other selected children got the opportunity to work with Isobel Smith again on another community project. Their final large piece was displayed in the town centre as part of the Christmas celebrations. The children also got to make their own small pieces.
Some of our children also created Christmas baubles to go on the trees in Kamson’s Chemists, Angmering and Littlehampton and book review baubles were designed, made and displayed on the tree in Littlehampton Library.
Autumn 2022
Our pupils were lucky enough to be able to work with Nadia Chalk and Nessy Breen from Creative Waves ( on a whole school project! EVERY single child took part and joined in with creating a large piece of artwork to enhance the entrance to our school and create an inspiring and colourful welcome! The children were all excited to see the finished results in situ.
Easter 2022
Our Gifted and Talented children worked with a local artist, Isobel Smith to create an egg inspired artwork that was displayed in Littlehampton Town centre as part of a community based project. The children learnt lots of new skills and were delighted to work with an artist.
Design Technology
Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. It should enable children to be creative, innovative and work through problems. At Lyminster we have designed our curriculum to allow children to learn and practise key skills from cutting, sawing and joining to sewing. Throughout their time at Lyminster, our children get to engage with a range of units of work that will involve them working on construction based projects, textiles and food technology.
We want to ensure:
- ~ Children have the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination
- ~ Children are to design and make products for a purpose
- ~ Children have the opportunity to design, discuss and make products that solve problems
- ~ Children are taught and get to practise key skills required
- ~ Children realise that it is a PROCESS- they will make mistakes and come across problems but that they should try to solve these and work around them
Design and Technology projects will, by their nature, be cross curricular, involving Mathematics, Science and English amongst other wider curriculum subjects. Projects at Lyminster are usually linked in one way or another to a current topic and area of study or relate to creating products for a specific audience. Children get the opportunity to complete textile based projects where they learn the skills linked to sewing, stitching, joining and decorating. For example, Year 1 create their own soft toys and Year 6 create their own ‘Bags for Life’ for a chosen individual where strong stitching is vital to ensure they can carry items. Year 3 get to enjoy designing and making their own Christmas tree decorations which they take home as a gift. Other units include using electricity (Years 3, 5 and 6), mechanisms (Years 3, 4 and 5) and various other units where children are encouraged to solve problems and make changes as needed. We try to ensure all projects are purposeful and focus in on different objectives within the DT curriculum.
Food Technology
At Lyminster all children will get many opportunities to take part in food technology. Children make foods within other class topics but our Lyminster special is our DT focused topic every other year of Restaurant Wars! Classes learn all about the foods and ingredients of their class country and this happily ties in with Geography and Science. Classes then compete to win the restaurant wars with a final special afternoon where they present their dishes in their own ‘restaurant’ to all parents and carers who have been invited and then who vote!
Restaurant Wars 2024…watch this space!