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Every Lesson; Every Day!

At Lyminster Primary we have high aspirations for all pupils. Every teacher uses Quality First Teaching and ensures lessons are adapted and differentiated to enable every learner to achieve their full potential.

When pupils demonstrate a high level of knowledge, skill and understanding beyond their age-related expectations, our teachers are adept at planning lessons to provide opportunities for a greater depth of learning to take place for these children. For example, more able pupils may be grouped together within class for an activity which is competitive and requires them to use a range of strategic thinking to win against their peers; set tasks which demand more complex problem solving or reasoning skills to be used; higher-order thinking through deeper questioning and discussions.

Subject leaders work closely with class teachers to identify more able children and support teachers with planning and provision for class-based learning. In addition, the G&T lead liaises with subject leaders to arrange enrichment workshops for specific children who are gifted in a particular area of the curriculum or show talent which would benefit from extra-curricular activities. See below for a range of the enrichment opportunities we have engaged with recently!


Our expert coders were invited to an after-school Minecraft and Python coding workshop run by Genius Brighton!


Writing code to create their own game in Minecraft. Extending their knowledge of electronics using Raspberry Pi computers and programming them using Python.

“It was really cool making a circuit and controlling the LEDs through coding on the computer. I also found out that resistors reduce the flow of current, so the LED bulb doesn’t get damaged by a high current.” Yr 4 pupil

“I loved coding in Minecraft and learning about Python for the first time.”

These children have now been inspired to take their learning even further and are competing in the Young Coders 2024-2025 coding competition. They will also be working towards achieving the KS2 Discovery Level CREST Award from the British Science Association.


Littlehampton Library has created a section in the children’s library to showcase the self-initiated projects produced by our more able and G&T students:

“It’s awesome that people are coming into the library to read my writing.” Yr 6 Pupil


More able pupils have also taken a keen interest in carrying out local studies and research this year for the 100-year anniversary of West Sussex libraries.

We also encourage our pupils to enter competitions and take part in community projects to show off their talents!    


THREE of our pupils won the Southern Water 2024 Christmas Card design competition:

Exhibitions in the Butterworth Gallery and the Herne Gallery.

One of our Lyminster artists also won first prize in the locality-wide poster competition about water safety, and there were several other pupils who were awarded special commendations.


For our talented musicians we arrange additional music lessons with specialist teachers. These sessions will be either 1:1 or as a small group to aid the acceleration of learning and build the children’s confidence to perform to an audience. As a result, many pupils have enjoyed performing in concerts within school and in the community.  

“I’ve started learning Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata First Movement. It’s challenging but I’m really enjoying it. I’m also going to do my grade 1 piano soon.”  Yr 6 Pupil
